St. Valentine's Day Massacre
The Southern Illinois Roller Girls present the annual St. Valentine's Day Massacre!
This year we are switching it up a bit! SIRG will host one extra long scrimmage. Skaters from around the region will be battling it out in a Lovers vs Haters scrimmage.
Doors open at 5pm, scrimmage starts at 6pm
Advance tickets for $10 or $15 at the door that night
Kids 12 and under are FREE!
Bring the family for a fun fill night of derby! We can't wait to see you all for the start of our 2019 season!

Brawl-o-Ween 2018
Check in will start at 8:00am, with the first scrimmage starting at 9:00am!
The event you've been waiting for all year is almost here!
6 open gender scrimmages and 2 main event games!
Scrimmages will be black and white, with 2 skill levels. Registered skaters will be guaranteed 3 scrimmages each, and a chance to play in the Main Event mixer that night!
Only 60 spots available!
We will also be bringing back the vinyling booth, where you can get your name/number/almost-any-combination-of-letters-or-numbers-you-want put on your clothes!
Refunds will no longer be issued after 10/19/18.
Costumes will DEFINITELY be encouraged! (No blood, please, real or fake)
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact sirg.brawloween@gmail.com!
St. Valentine's Massacre scrimmage - HOME
Looking for that perfect Valentine's day activity? Come on out to see the first bouts of the 2018 season!
The Southern Illinois Roller Girls are hosting two scrimmages on Saturday, February 10. To kick off our new season, we are hosting 2 public scrimmages so everyone can showcase the work they've been putting in during the off-season! With skaters from the Brigade of Handsome Gentleman, SIRG, and others from the surrounding teams.
Doors open at 5pm
1st Scrimmage at 6pm
2nd Scrimmage at 7:30pm
Tickets are $10 in advance, $15 at the door.
Kids 12 and under are FREE!
Adults must be 21+ to enjoy an alcoholic beverage.
See you all there!
The Annual Season's Beatings is here again! This year SIRG is hosting a double co-ed scrimmage starting at 6pm on December 16th. Proceeds from this event will go to the Southern Illinois AIDS Holiday Project.
3rd Annual Brawl-O-Ween
This will be our 3rd annual Brawl-O-Ween Scrimmageathon. Details will be posted as they become available.
The Southern Illinois Roller Girls travel to play against their sister league, the Cape Girardeau Roller Derby in Cape Girardeau MO.
March Double Header
March 25th at The Pavilion in Marion
Doors open at 5pm
BHG vs MrDok at 6:00pm
SIRG vs ROCK at 7:30pm
Tickets $10 in advance or $15 at the door
Kids 12 and under are free!
Must be 21+ to consume alcohol
Recruitment Camp
Have you thought about playing Roller Derby?! Now is your chance to make this awesome change to your life.
The Southern Illinois Roller Girls and The Brigade of Handsome Gentlemen will teach you how to play. Come check it out.
- Women AND Men
- Must be 19 years of age or older, you must bring ID
- Limited amounts of loaner gear available
- Please bring your own mouthguard
If you have questions please contact our coach DPR at TheDreadPriateRobyn@gmail.com
St. Valentine's Day Massacre
The Southern Illinois Roller Girls present
The St Valentine's Day Massacre
Co-Ed Mixer
Saturday February 18th 2017
Doors open at 5 pm
First Whistle at 6 pm
At The Pavilion
1602 Sioux Dr
Marion IL
Tickets: $10 in advance
or $15 at the Door
Kids 12 and under FREE!
Must be 21 to consume alcohol
Season's Beatings SIRG vs BHG
The Southern Illinois Roller Girls will take on their brother league, The Brigade of Handsome Gentleman. It will be an amazing night of Man vs Woman, Brother vs Sister, roller derby action.
Check out the action this Saturday 17th of December at the Pavilion in Marion, IL.
Doors open at 5pm, first whistle at 6pm.
$10 in advance
$15 at the door
Kids 12 and under are free!
The Southern Illinois Roller Girls present Brawl-O-Ween, an all day roller derby scrimmageathon culminating in a Coed Mixer bout and a bout with the Brigade of Handsome Gentlemen vs Detroit Men's Roller Derby.
6 co-ed scrimmages and 2 main event games!
Scrimmages will be black and white, with 2 skill levels. Registered skaters will be guaranteed 3 scrimmages each, and a chance to play in the Main Event mixer that night!
Registration is $35 and will guarantee 3 scrimmages and get you one of the AMAZING Brawl shirts!
Register here: https://brawloween2016.eventbrite.com/
Only 60 spots available!
We will also be bringing back the vinyling booth, where you can get scrimmage jerseys made!
More details to come!
So Ill Roller Girls travel to take on Columbia Missouri Derby Dames in Columbia MO.
So Ill Roller Girls take on Cape Girardeau Roller Derby from just across the river in lovely Gape Girardeau, MO.
Join us for Veterans Appreciation Night
Saturday, September 10th
Doors open at 5pm
First Whistle at 6pm
Veterans Admission $8
Advance tickets $10
Tickets at the door $15
Roller Derby Fall Recruitment
Have you been curious about roller derby or want to try it out?
You too CAN play roller derby!
SIRG and BHG are hosting their fall recruitment event.
August 30th, Sept 6th, 9th, & 20th
Auditions Sept 22nd from 7pm to 9pm
Must be 19+ with a valid ID
Must bring your own mouthguard
Limited loaner gear available: "first come first serve"
All dates @ The Pavilion in Marion
1602 Sioux Dr Marion, IL 62959
Enter through North side doors
Questions: Ask our coach The Dread Pirate Robyn
SIRG presents: BHG vs Quad Squad
The Southern Illinois Roller Girls present
Call of Derby: The Brigade of Handsome Gentlemen vs The Quad Squad.
Also a Co-ed Mercenary Mixer
Saturday July 16th
at the Pavilion in Marion, IL.
Doors Open at 5pm
First whistle at 6pm
Main Event at 7pm
Tickets in advance are $10
Tickets at the door are $15
Kids 12 and under are FREE!
Must be 21+ to consume alcohol.
SIRG & BHG Co-ed Scrimmage
Southern Illinois Roller Girls and the Brigade of Handsome Gentlemen will be hosting a Co-ed Scrimmage with skaters across the area.
Doors Open at 5pm
First Whistle at 6PM
So Ill Roller Girls travel to take on the Big Easy Roller Girls in lovely New Orleans
Laissez les bon temps rouler!
So Ill Roller Girls travel to take on Bleeding Heartland Roller Derby in Bloomington IN.
So Ill Roller Girls travel to take on Rollergirls Of Central Kentucky in Lexington KY
The So Ill Roller Girls take on Confluence Crush Roller Derby out of Belleville IL for this Double Header event.
April 2nd 2016
At the Pavilion in Marion
Doors open at 5pm and first whistle is at 6pm.
Tickets are $10 in advance or $15 at the door
Kids 12 and under are FREE!
First bout: Mashup Scrimmage
Main Event: Power SIRG vs Heartbreakers CCRD
Must be 21+ to consume alcohol
St. Valentine's Day Massacre
The Southern Illinois Roller Girls Present their annual St. Valentine's Day Massacre mashup scrimmage. This will be a co-ed scrimmage with members of the Brigade of Handsome Gentleman.
Saturday February 13th
At The Pavilion in Marion
Doors open at 5pm
First whistle at 6pm
$10 in advance
$15 at the door
Kids 12 and under are free!
Must be 21+ to consume alcohol
Chili Dinner & Mustache Competition Fundraiser
Southern Illinois Roller Girls (SIRG) together with and in support of the men in our lives who participate in Movember, are having a chili dinner FUNdraiser!
$5 for a bowl of chili
$5 to enter the mustache contest
When: Friday November 20th from 6:00pm till 8:00pm
Where: Carbondale Masonic Lodge (Shekinah #241) 1510 W Sycamore St Carbondale IL 62901
Contest judging begins at 7:00pm and there will be several categories:
1) Natural Mustache - Mustache as it grows naturally, the more natural the better. You may shape it but without the use of styling aids. Definition: a natural Mustache shaped without the use of any pomades, waxes, or other products.
2) Styled Mustache - A creatively styled and shaped Mustache through the use of pomades, waxes, creams, and other products and styling tools.
3) Fake Facial Hair - This category is open to everyone. Create the most imaginative, creative, and fantastic facial hair of any style you can. Creativity and craftsmanship is encouraged. The choice of materials is completely open. The more imaginative, the better.
4) Kids Fake Facial Hair -This category is open to everyone under the age of 12. Create the most imaginative, creative, and fantastic facial hair of any style you can. Creativity and craftsmanship is encouraged. The choice of materials is completely open. The more imaginative, the better.